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    Nëse ju shfaqet ky mesazh do të thotë se ju nuk jeni regjistruar akoma. Anëtarët e rregjistruar kanë privilegjin të marrin pjesë në tema të ndryshme si dhe të komunikojnë me anëtarët e tjerë. Bëhu pjesë e forumit Netedy.com duke u REGJISTRUAR këtu ose nëse ke një llogari KYCU. Komunikim alternative i ketij forumi me vajza dhe djem nga te gjithe trevat shqiptare? Hyr ne: CHAT SHQIP.

Disa rreshta te kenges qe po e ndegjoni

I'll never love again
The way I loved you
Did you find someone new?

Are you doin' this with them?
Po e di.... Mos lere nam e di se nuk jena per fam, jena per gjera,gjera shume me te rand.....
Maaaa donnnnn zemraaaa
Maaaa donnnnn zemra shummm
Kjo dashniaaaa te djeg si plumbb
my heart misses
you being away is like fire
and the love and the passion
can't be forgotten in one day

you're my love that calls me
you're my eyes that make me asleep
how can i make your eyes sleep
while you're still in love with me
and when i hear your calm voice

the tone of your voice awakens me
Femnat e kan knaqsin veq me ma konsumu zanin
Ato pom dojn mu krejt, juve asnjanin
Hajde, hajde,hajde mos te vi marre, kerko falje se ske çare, mi more krejt ca du mos u mat me mu se kercet bam biri bam biri bummm ??
S’mund ta imagjinoj
Jeten time pa buzëqeshjen tënde
S’mund ta përfytyroj
Dhe një ditë pa ty nuk jam në gjendje
Je si etja për ujë
Je si gjaku që rrjedh nëpër vena
E sa më shumë, koha kalon
Unë po e kuptoj
Se ti je panorama më e bukur në botë
Remember when I was young and so were you
And time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then you cried

Remember when
Ama un' po t'thom ani nasht se vetë e kom dasht
Edhe ti zemer vetë e ke dasht
Edhe un' vetë e kom dasht

Të dyt bashk' e kemi dasht
Ku po shkoni o djemt e ri.. kujt po ja Leni ket malsi..
Mos lakmoni dheun e huj mos e leni vendin tuj..ato kulla me bajrak neper shekuj te lam me gjak..
me mungon un te betohem pasha kta dy sy
me mungon nuk shkon jeta pa ty
me mungon si hena nates shume e kam veshtir

pa ty zemer kurre nuk behet mire
Gajle tjeter une mos paqa
Sun ma she mu n'sy vajtimin, une pa ty po knaqna
Maybe I'm just a fool
I still belong with you
Anywhere you, anywhere you are
Hey, girl
Is he everything you wanted in a man?
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you, baby

Me and you until the end, but I guess I was wrong, uh
Who better than me? Don't make me laugh
I run this shit, they just chase my ass
I ain't got no money
I ain't got no car to take you on a date
I can't even buy you flowers
But together we can be the perfect soulmates

Talk to me, girl
What I've felt, what I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be, never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt, what I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free, never me
So I dub thee "Unforgiven"
Mori molla sherbetli pse ban si kur sta ni,
ike e mete e vetme en gem,
kur te bish en toke s'ke me gjet vet,
ke me dash ske me muajt per ty skam me jani kuj,
shum shikime rradh kan shku dikush t'shave e diku shave e di ka kafshue
Mori molla sherbetli as pe shef kam ra n'dashni as pe shef syni mu tha afrohu pak du me t'pa fol nji her t'lutem me goj se dashnia nuk ashte loj po me fol se s'jam i hujt jam me gjak,
jo s'jam me uje.
Jashaa ??????
Early in the morning I still get a little bit nervous
Fighting my anxiety constantly, I try to control it
Even when I know it's been forever, I can still feel the spin

Hurts when I remember and I never wanna feel it again

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