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Chat Shqip

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    Nëse ju shfaqet ky mesazh do të thotë se ju nuk jeni regjistruar akoma. Anëtarët e rregjistruar kanë privilegjin të marrin pjesë në tema të ndryshme si dhe të komunikojnë me anëtarët e tjerë. Bëhu pjesë e forumit Netedy.com duke u REGJISTRUAR këtu ose nëse ke një llogari KYCU. Komunikim alternative i ketij forumi me vajza dhe djem nga te gjithe trevat shqiptare? Hyr ne: CHAT SHQIP.

Thenie te ndryshme ne gjuhe angleze


A pretty face can never trick me
Regjistruar më
Mars 17, 2021

Ketu mund t'postoni thenie te ndryshme te jetes, dashurise, shoqerise etj, ne gjuhe angleze. Mund t'i perktheni nese doni, mundeni edhe te mos i perktheni.

Po filloj une :

"Sometimes the people we make big plans for, have plans that doesn't include you. Be kind to yourself, and love yourself "
The darkest thoughts, will never be written!
You can see people's sins but not their repentance.
Your life is what it’s like because of the influences you have.
You can’t NOT be influenced, but you can control what influences you.
They want to see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that.
Shprehjet e mia me ate …
-We are not so far if we see the same moon ?
-Even if its raining you will always be my sun☀️
The faker you are,
the bigger your circle will be.

The realer you are
the smaller your circle will be.

These are well known facts.
There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up, it's realizing that you don't need certain people and their crap. Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people that only call when they need something. Fair weather friends only want to come around when they need your sun to shine on their dark and gloomy days. In the end, you'll realize you only have a few true friends. But that's better than having many fake ones.
Healing also means taking responsibility for the role you play in your own suffering.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends
Don't let anyone save you for later
Don't stress. If today is wrong, tomorrow will be right.
And if today is right, something might go wrong according to you tomorrow, according to Allah it did not go wrong. It was His plan
Everything is easy, if you're are crazy. Nothing is easy, if you're lazy.

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